Users can use FM WhatsApp on their PCs and Laptops by following only 3 steps.
Download FM WhatsApp APK for PC.
Install Android Emulator on PC.
Open FMWhatsApp in Emulator.
In this evolving world, everyone wants to use the latest and fully customized apps on their devices and Windows as well. FM WhatsApp APK is the best-modified version of WhatsApp and can be used on a PC. I will guide you through using FMWA on your PC.
Quick Guides
App information
Download file
Pros and Cons
App Information
What is FM WhatsApp for PC?
It is the same app that we use on our mobile phones, and now we want to use it on our PC with the same features and functions. This app is eligible to be used on laptops and computers as well, but the process is slightly changed, and it is explained below.
App specifications
Application Name
FM Whatsapp
55 Mb
Windows (PC/Laptop)
Total Downloads
Last Updated
1 Day ago
Freedom of customization
A variety of themes are available within the App to use according to your choice.
It provides unique emojis to communicate effectively and emotionally.
Within the app, you have multiple font styles to customize the chat font according to your needs.
Highest privacy and security feature
Updates of the app protect it from any security issues.
In-build app lock to increase and secure privacy.
You can read even deleted messages from the sender.
Can hide typing or recording toast.
User can hide their last-seen notice to add another security layer.
Removing forward tags to forwarded messages enriches the privacy of users.
Another best tool is to choose the persons who can call User, which is useful for a busy person.
Users can choose the auto-reply function. You save the message to be replied to, and FMWA auto replies for you.
We can even schedule the message. We give the message to the app and select a time for it to be sent then the app will send, and then the app will send that that message to a receiver of your choice.
The language barrier is not an issue anymore. FMWA translates messages into your desired language.
In normal WhatsApp, you have to save the number before sending a message, but this app enables you to send messages without saving a number.
Users can share files up to 1GB, which is more than the official one.
Group limits and forward message limits have been increased in the modified FMWhatsApp.
FMWA enables you to send more than 30 images at once.
Status control
Can share statuses up to 5 minutes long.
With the app, we will be able to see deleted statuses on our contacts.
We also can see other people’s statuses without letting others know about you seen.
In-build status downloader features give users a tool to download status without using another app.
Chat control
We can hide the second tick of the delivered message.
Users can see messages without showing the sender blue ticks of the seen message.
Users can send audio notes by changing their actual voice by changing the voice feature.
The app has a shake feature to meet new friends who are also using the same app at the same time.
Rich media provision
Updated and latest collections of wallpapers and stickers to increase your user experience.
Unique tools
The backup feature allows users to make a backup at any time.
DND mode to cut internet connection for the app only.
Always online and offline features allow you to show your presence or hide your app using time.
Download the latest version of FM WhatsApp For PC (Windows)
Minimum requirements for PC and Laptop
7 or later
Hard Disk
10 GB
Intel core i3 processor
4 GB
The following steps are involved in installing
Download FM WhatsApp for PC from this site.
To install FM WhatsApp for PC we need software called Android Emulator. It helps us to use Android apps on PC. Bluestacks is a famous emulator that can serve our purpose.
Drag and drop the APK file. Now locate the downloaded APK file and drag it into the emulator. After few a moments, the file will be installed, and you can use it like on the phone.
FM WhatsApp Pros and Cons
Easy to Customize
Developed by Third party
More Themes
Not easily available
Highest Security
Message Scheduling
Some Common Questions
No, it will not get banned. Millions of people are globally using it in emulators.
Yes, we can use it, but we need to use a different type of WhatsApp, not a single app. For example, you can use FMWA and official WhatsApp, but not two FMWAs or vice versa.
Yes, you can download the FMWhatsApp APK for your PC. The link is on our website.
Now, you can use the app on your PC without any issues. If you face any difficulty in installation or the app does not work after being installed, kindly download the APK file from a trusted source. Please follow each step carefully to achieve the intended result. If you have any further questions, then do contact us; we will be happy to assist you!
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